Cloud driven as-built
As-Built Check
Trenched as-built
Trenchless as-built
Free service available
The as-built accuracy dilemma
Accurate as-built maps are essential for the safety and integrity of underground utility networks. When awarding new network installation projects to contractors, utilities expect or assume that they will receive post-installation as-built data. But that is not always the case, particularly when the utility’s tender document is unclear about the as-built accuracy or the measurement method to be used. When left open for interpretation, inaccurate as-planned data, or worse, end up in the GIS platform.
However, many utilities are reluctant to tighten as-built accuracy or method requirements in tenders because they do not have the means to implement a Quality Assurance and Control (QA/QC) process to verify the requirements.
Recognizing this dilemma, Reduct Cloud Services has introduced the As-Built Check (ABC) service. The ABC service integrates technology, training, and quality control into a one-stop concept. The utility only needs to amend the as-built requirement clauses in their tender documents for new build trenched and trenchless network installations.
Reduct will equip and train the designated contractors with the appropriate gyro-mapping technology. Once operational, Reduct experts can remotely monitor the performance of each measurement, operator and mapping tool. Reporting frequency can be on a Monthly “FREE“, Weekly or Daily basis.
What can you expect from the ABC service?
- For all new measurements, a Reduct Cloud Expert will perform a PASS/FAIL analysis against your specifications and report to you on a daily or weekly basis (paid), or monthly basis against default specifications (free). If reported daily, assessments that yielded a FAIL can still be re-mapped before the network is connected and becomes inaccessible.
- The Reduct Cloud Expert will engage directly with the contractor or user that failed an accuracy norm to understand the cause and take remedial actions if necessary. This could include changes to, or recalibration of equipment, extra training, or development of a utility pipe specific accessory.
- The report includes a PASS/FAIL analysis, exact measured length (a good data point to have for billing), and the status of agreed remedial actions. If desired, a comparison of the as-planned versus as-built can be made.
How the As-Built Check service works
Interaction with the utility
- The utility adds accuracy and method specifications to the new-build tender document.
- The contractor delivers the as-built report as usual.
- Simultaneously, system performance statistics are sent to the Reduct Cloud platform where a gyro-mapping expert performs an operational Quality Assurance check against the specifications issued by the utility. Besides XYZ quality control, this service may also include minimum bend radius assessment.
- The utility receives a daily or weekly performance quality report for all installation activity since the previous report, and, in necessary, recommended or planned remedial actions.
Interaction with the contractors
- Each contractor receives performance reports per measurement, unit or operator.
- Reduct QA/QC experts will make suggestions on procedural changes, additional training or other performance enhancing measures when necessary.
- Reduct QA/QC experts will liaise with product engineers to implement mechanical adjustments to the
equipment to further improve performance.